Selected Publications
“Globalization/deglobalization: lessons from liberal monetary orders,” International Affairs, forthcoming
“The Politics of Trade in an Open Economy: Domestic Competition over Policy,” in Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy, edited by Ernesto Vivares, 2019
“Analytical Liberalism, Neoclassical Realism, and the Need for Comparative Cases,” Oxford Encyclopedia of Empirical International Relations Theory, edited by William R. Thompson, 2018, 92-108
““And we would have the field”: U.S. Steel and American Trade Policy, 1908-1912,” Business and Politics 19 (3) September 2017, 424-453
“To Trade or Not to Trade?,” in International Political Economy, edited by Greg Anderson and Christopher Kukucha, Oxford University Press, 2016, 95-109
"The USA vs. China in the World Economy,” in The U.S. and Canada 2015, Routledge, 2015
“New Rulers of the World? Brazil, Russia, India and China,” in The SAGE Handbook of Globalization, edited by Manfred B. Steger, Paul Battersby, and Joseph M. Siracusa, Sage, 2014, 524-541
“Canada in the World,” in Canadian Politics (6th edition), edited by James Brickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, University of Toronto Press, 2014, 419-436
“La politique économique,” in Le système politique américain (5th edition), edited by Michel Fortmann and Pierre Martin, les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2013, 346-375, with Pierre Martin
“Managing Long Term Change: U.S. and Canadian Reactions to the Rise of the BRICs,” in The U.S. and Canada 2012, Routledge, 2012, 19-22
“A Post-American World? Perils, possibilities, and preparations,” in Debating a Post American World: What Lies Ahead?, edited by Sabrina Hoque and Sean Clark, Routledge, 2011, 75-80
"USA: Responding to Rising Powers with a Grand Strategy or ‘Muddling Through’?” in Regional Leadership in the Global System: Ideas, Interests and Strategies of Regional Powers, edited by Daniel Flemes, Ashgate, 2010
Political Economy and Grand Strategy: A Neoclassical Realist View, Routledge, 2010
“Tariff Reform, Taxes and Land: Trade-based Cleavages in pre-World War I Britain,” Review of International Political Economy 16 (5), December 2009, 827-853
“Unemployment, Trade Liberalization, and Adjustment in post-transition South Africa” Journal of Asian and African Studies 44 (6) December 2009, 698-720, with Michelle Segal
“Canada and Globalization,” in Canadian Politics (5th edition), edited by James Brickerton and Alain-G. Gagnon, University of Toronto Press, 2009, 323-338
“Strategic Calculations in a Permissive Environment: A Neoclassical Realist Approach to Balancing in the 1930s,” in Neoclassical Realism, the State, and Foreign Policy, edited by Jeffrey Taliaferro, Steven Lobell, and Norrin Ripsman, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 75-98
“Globalization,” in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, edited by Ramkishen S. Rajan and Kenneth A. Reinert, Princeton University Press, 2008
“Building Blocks or BRIC Wall? Fitting U.S. Foreign Policy to the Shifting Distribution of Power,” Asian Perspective 31 (4) February 2008, 151-175
“Structural Adjustment, Development and Democracy,” International Studies Review 9 (4) December 2007, 601-615, with Nicole Baerg
“Agricultural Interests, Trade Adjustment and Repeal of the Corn Laws,” British Journal of Politics & International Relations 8 (4), November 2006, 467-488
Power, Money & Trade, Broadview Press, 2005
“The Rise of the Trading State Revisited,” in Globalization, Security and the Nation- State, edited by Ersel Aydinli and James Rosenau, SUNY Press, 2005, 67-80
“The Political Economy of Balance of Power Theory,” in Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century, edited by T.V. Paul, Jim Wirtz, and Michel Fortmann, Stanford University Press, 2004, 66-99
“Hegemonic Leadership: Is the Concept Still Useful?” Connecticut Journal of International Law 19 (2), 2004, 345-357
The Politics of Globalization, Broadview Press, 2003.
"Global Financial Architecture and Hegemonic Leadership in the New Millennium," in Debating the Global Financial Architecture, edited by Leslie Elliott Armijo, SUNY Press, 2002, 64-92.
Alliance Politics, Kosovo, and NATO's War Allied Force or Forced Allies? co-edited with Pierre Martin, Palgrave, 2001.
"La politique économique," in Le système politique américain, edited by Edmond Orban and Michel Fortmann, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 2001, 313-323.
Afterglow or Adjustment? Domestic Institutions and Responses to Overstretch. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1999.
Turning Points: Decisions Shaping the Evolution of the International Political Economy. Peterburough, Ontario and Orchard Park, New York: Broadview Press, 1998.
"Factoral or Sectoral Conflict? Partially Mobile Factors and the Politics of Trade in Imperial Germany". International Studies Quarterly 41 (4) December 1997. 633-53.
Liberal Leadership: Great Powers and Their Challengers in Peace and War, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, (February 1994).
"Political Leadership and Liberal Economic Sub-Systems: The Constraints of Structural Assumptions", Canadian Journal of Political Science 28 (1), March 1995, 85-103.
"Regime-Types, Markets and War: The Importance of Pervasive Rents in Foreign Policy," Comparative Political Studies 26 (2), July 1993, 178-197.
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