Courses Taught
Undergraduate & Graduate Seminars
Power & Power Cycles
International Relations Theory
International Political Economy
IPE: North-South Relations
Political Economy & Security
Workshop in International Security & Political Economy
Undergraduate Lecture courses
International Politics of Economic Relations
International Politics: State Behavior
Rise of the Industrial State
American Foreign Policy
Causes of Major War: World War I
Approaches to IPE
The Art of Exchange: Medici Money and Its Legacy
Globalization and U.S. Foreign Economic Policy
IPE: North-South Relations
IPE: Monetary Relations
IPE: Labour Migration
Winner of the McGill Political Science Students Association Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2016.
Supervision of Students
Graduate Supervision
Doctoral Students
Elena Mandalenakis “Recognizing Identity: The Creation of New States in the Former Yugoslavia” (Winter 2007) [formerly a course lecturer at University of Thessaloniki]
Pierre Pahlavi “Mass Diplomacy: Foreign Policy in the Global Information Age” (co-supervised -- Fall 2004) [currently on staff at Canadian Forces College]
Brian Greene “State Identity, Foreign Policy, and Norm Diffusion: Towards Humanitarian Intervention” (Winter 2004) [works in the Strategic Analysis Division, Canadian Department of National Defence]
Chansoo Cho “Making Embedded Liberalism Work” (Fall 2002) [currently on staff at Kangnam University, Korea]
Jan Erk “A Theory of Congruence: Federalism and Institutional Change” (co-supervised - Fall 2001) [currently on staff at Leiden University]
Shawn Donnelly “Explaining Commitments to the European Central Bank” (Summer 1999) [currently on staff at University of Twente]
Allan Castle “Collusion and Challenge: Major Wars, Domestic Coalitions and Revisionist States” (Winter 1997) [intelligence analyst, consultant for law enforcement]
Masters Supervision
Claire Fortin (on-going)
Juliette Bronchtein "Giving In is not always Giving Up: A Theory of Rational Appeasement" (Summer 2017)
David Lowe "Explaining Variation in Middle Powers' Foreign Policies" (Summer 2016)
Amy Pryhoda "Ethiopia and Somalia, 2006: A Case Study" (Winter 2016)
Thomas Conley "Has the War Powers Resolution Made a Difference?" (Summer 2015) [Maine International Trade Center]
Sharna Dey "Nuclear Proliferation and International Stability" (Winter 2015) [Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada]
Kathleen Smith "High North, High Tension? The Place of Permanent Participants within the Arctic Council" (Winter 2015)
Lukasz Kozinski “Constant Protectionism in the Financial Meltdown” (Fall 2011) [entered professional school]
Michael Shortt “Arms Racing, Coercion and War” (Summer 2009) [entered McGill Law]
Vincent Arel-Bundock “Explaining the Proliferation and Design of International Investment Agreements” (Summer 2009) [completed University of Michigan Ph.D. program, currently on staff at Universite de Montreal]
Beatrice Marry “Towards Greater Gender Equality? An Examination of Gender Equity Policy in the EU’s Labour Market” (Winter 2009) [assistant at the European Commission]
Richard Delisle “Britain and the ESDP” (Summer 2006) [journalist]
Christine Lemieux “La cooperation politique bilaterale entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis dans le secteur energetique” (Summer 2006) [Policy Analyst, Canadian Space Agency]
Nicole Baerg “Shocks from the System: Remodeling Exchange Rate Regime Choice in Latin America and the Caribbean 1960-1995” (Winter 2006) [completed Ph.D. at Emory University; currently on post-doc at University of Mannheim]
Scott Boorne “On the Political Economy of Free Trade in the Americas” (Winter 2006)
Cesi Cruz “Follow the Leader: Unilateralism and Cooperation in Military Alliances” (Winter 2006) [completed Ph.D. at UC San Diego; currently on staff at UBC]
Edwin Kosobucki “Hedging Risk: Hedge Funds and the Politics of Regulation” (Spring 2006)
Elia Petridou “Bestriding the World” (Fall 2005) [Board Member, Future Worlds Center]
David Shulman “Liberal Theories of Overstretch and US Foreign Policy 2001-2005” (Fall 2005)
Jeremy Vanhooren “Temps et espace de la puissance” (Spring 2004) [entered Science Po; currently with French Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
Jodi Latham “National Accountability: the Solution for Achieving Sustainable Social and Economic Development” (Winter 2004) [entered LSE doctoral program in development studies]
Louis-Blaise Dumais-Levesque “Institutions as Global Goods: Hegemonic Stability Theory, Polarity and Cooperation” (Winter 2004) [entered University of Virginia’s doctoral program]
Anne-Marie Durocher “Commitments Abroad: Overstretch or Overreaction?” (Winter 2004) [entered University of Virginia’s doctoral program; currently senior analyst for McGill University]
Sevinc Tykendor “The Collapse of the ‘Asian Miracle’: The Premature Liberalization Process” (Spring 2002)
Rick Sudeyko “The Asian Financial Crisis: Lesson Learned” (Spring 2002) [worked for Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade]
Julia Gray “Transnational Migration in the Modern World” (Summer 2001) [attended McGill Law]
Bertrand Viala “Transatlantic Trade Conflicts: An Opportunity of Self-Assertion for the EU” (Summer 2000) [consultant on emerging markets]
Jürgen Lichem “The Establishment of International institutions and Multilateral Governance over Human Rights and Environmental and Natural Resources” (Fall 1999) [professional baseball player]
Henry Lovat “Explaining Norm Operation: International Criminal Tribunals and Multilateral Military Humanitarian Intervention” (Summer 1999) [attended law school, reentered academia]
Matthias Behnke “Interests, Externalities and Norms” (Summer 1998) [Human Rights Officer, Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights]
Manuel Mulas “Antitrust, Cooperation and the Global Economy” (Summer 1998) [Consular Policy Officer, Canadian High Commission; currently works for Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development]
Sadéka Hédaraly “Looming Collisions of capitalism? International Security after the Cold War” (Summer 1997) [attended McGill Law]
Marco Maertens “European Integration and Sub-State Nationalism: Flanders, Scotland and the EU (Summer 1997) [software developer]
Claudine Poirier “In Between War and Peace” (Fall 1996)
Steve Breton “Imperial Sunset: Grand Strategies of Hegemons in Relative Decline” (Fall 1996) [officer in U.S. military]
Rania Bihkazi “Gulf Cooperation Council: A Sincere Effort Aimed at Coordinating Development” (Winter 1996) [works for the International Labour Organization]
Lise Boisvert “Hautes Perfomances Asiatiques” (Fall 1995) [worked for ICAO]
Colleen Thouez “The Evolution of the Refugee Regime” (Summer 1995) [Head of UN Institute for Training & Research; formerly Senior Policy Advisor, Global Commission in International Migration]
Jonathan Feldman “FDI in the OECD Area: Employment Effects and Policy Prescriptions” (Fall 1996) [attended law school]
Sarah Laugier Rosselot “The Policy of Sector-Specific Aggressive Bilateralism with Japan” (Fall 1994)
David Felsen (Summer 1994) [currently on staff at Alliant International University]
Anne-Catherine Higham “Dangerous Liaisons: Aid and Dependence in International Relations” (Winter 1994)
Louise Miller “The Proliferation of Conventional Weapons in Central American” (Fall 1993)
Emil Pellicer “The Role of Non-Hegemonic Leadership in Regime Creation and Maintenance” (Winter 1992)
Graduate Independent Reading & Research Courses
Mohammad Nabi Nur (2017-2018)
Erik Underwood "Military Innovation and its Effect on Grand Strategy" (2016-2017)
Felicia Mazzarello "Justin Trudeau: The Birth of a new Canadian Foreign Policy" (2016-2017)
Niels Appeldorn "The different effects of natural resources on internal conflict" (2015-2016)
Juliette Bronchtien "Practical Consequences of the War Powers Resolution; The 1973 Legacy" (2015-2016)
Nhu Truong "International Relations Theory" (2014-2015)
Sharna Dey "Conflict Fatigue and the Politics of Humanitarian Financing" (2014-2015)
Sebastien Chessex "International Relations Theory" (2014-2015)
Erin Cully “The origins of financial hegemony: the late Carter years” (2012-2013)
Marigona Uka “German Unilateralism in the Recognition of Slovenian and Croatian Independence” (2010-2011)
Lukasz Kozinski “International Political Economic Perspective on the EU” (2009-2010)
Steve Loleski “The Evolution of Realism” (2008-2009)
Sonia Aguiar “New Approaches in International Political Economy” (2007-2008)
Richard Delisle “Anglo-French Cooperation and European Security and Defense Policy” (2006-2007)
Edwin Kosobucki “International Monetary Relations” (2004-2005)
Kinga Grudzinski “Dispute Settlement Mechanisms under NAFTA” (2004-2005)
Nicole Baerg “Current Theories of Monetary Relations” (2004-2005)
Claudia Paradis “Recent Work in International Political Economy” (2003-2004)
Cesi Cruz “Models of Leadership in International Political Economy” (2003-2004)
Louis-Blaise Dumais Levesque “Power Transition Theory and China” (2002-2003)
Anne- Marie Durocher “Trade, Alliances and Leadership” (2002-2003)
Imad Mansour “Recent Developments in International Political Economy” (2001-2002)
Bill Hogg “EMU and Central Bank Independence” (1998-1999)
Henry Lovat “Institutionalism, Constructivism, and Cooperation” (1998-1999)
Matthias Behnke “International Norms and a Comparison of the Institutionalization of Human Rights/UNHRC” (1996-1997)
Sadéka Hédaraly “Relative versus Absolute Gains in International Relations” (1995-1996)
Jonathan Feldman “OECD Policies on Foreign Direct Investment” (1995-1996)
Claudine Poirier “The Interaction of Issue-Areas and Policy Choices” (1995-1996)
Lise Boisvert “Using Export-Oriented Industrialization: Brazil and South Korea” (1994-1995)
Heather Hinkson “Gender and Refugee Law” (1994-1995)
Claudine Poirier “Hegemonic Cycles” (1994-1995)
Susanne Weisemann “Structuration and Actor Interests” (1994-1995)
Kelly Saunders “Overview of INternational Political Economy” (1994-1995)
Nathalie Charland “mixing Economic Reforms and Democratization” (1993-1994)
David Felsen “The Impact of the Cold War on Domestic Politics” (1993-1994)
David Ainsworth “North-South Relations” (1993-1994)
Anne-Catherine Higham “Good-Governance as an Issue in Canadian Aid Policy” (1992-1993)
Lilliana Riga “Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe” (1992-1993)
Sauvé Scholars
Jiang Yimin (2011-2012)
Giovanni Gabassi (2008-2009)
Xiaoli Pan (2007-2008)
Fulbright Scholars
Sumon Dantiki (2004-2005)
Joelle Schmitz (2002-2003)
Undergraduate Supervision
Undergraduate Independent Reading & Research, IDS Honours, and Honours Theses
Cara Farley “The Perfect Storm? U.S. sanctions, digital currencies, and the search to undermine dollar hegemony” (2020-2021)
Beata Nawacki “Policy to Remedy Sovereign Debt from the 1980’s to 2008: Did the IMF learn from its mistakes?” (2020-2021)
Kaitlin Corbeil “Making Economic Sense of Antitrust Policy” (2020-2021)
Ines Gentil “Public Diplomacy and Information Warfare between Russia and the U.S.” (2020-2021)
Sofia Tryfonopoulou “Finding a New Balance in Libya” (2020-2021)
Jillian Giberson “A Polar Silk Road” (2019-2020)
Nilhan Kislali “Central Bank Independence and its Impacts: Turkey” (2019-2020)
Eric Krol “The Elephant and Dragon’s Unlikely Mediators – Regional Institutions in the Sino-Indian Rivalry” (2018-2019)
Amory Beldock "Russia’s Return: A Neoclassical Realist Approach " (2016-2017)
Natalie Wong "America, the war on terror, and global hegemony" (2015-2016)
Abhinav Gupta "Trust Issues: Could China Viably Sustain the Renminbi as an International Reserve Currency?" (2015-2016)
Marie-Adelaide Bullukian "Why are some Sectors heard on Trade? Industry Composition and CETA" (2015-2016)
Gerald Sigrist "West-Russia Trade: An Instrument of Power?" (2015-2016)
Aula Arbana "China's Rise and American Decline" (2014-2015)
Juliette Bronchtein "Reconsidering Appeasement" (2014-2015)
Louise Guerner "The Politics of Trade: U.S. Manufacturing Intra-Industry Firm Heterogeneity" (2014-2015)
Nida Nizam "International Development for International Security" (2014-2015)
Frieder Mitsch "Veto Players in East European Democracies" (2014-2015)
Giselle Naimi "Iranian-American Diplomacy and the Threat of Aggression" (2014-2015)
Valerie Weber "Drones, War Prolongation, and America's War on Terror" (2013-2014)
Jade Chong-Smith“Quenching China's Growing Thirst: Chinese Hydropolitics and Water Management” (2012-2013) [entered Yale Law School]
Murtaza Shamboorha “Indian Grand Strategy: A Neoclassical Realist Perspective” (2012-2013)
Emily Nedwinek “50 Pages Later: Intelligence Analysis in the Zombie Apocalypse” (2012-2013)
Anouk Chevalier Plante “China’s Love-Hate Relationship with Rogue States: A Domestic Affair” (2011-2012)
Tanveer Mann “Is the U.S Hypocritical in Its Dealings with other States?” (2011-2012)
Julia Sherman “Banks, Bureaucrats and Beliefs: the Political Economy of the 2008 Financial Crisis” (2011-2012)
Courtney Graham “Reimagining the Global Investment Regime” (2010-2011)
Yanick Touchette “Post-OECD Poverty incidence in Chile: Learning from previous policies” (2010-2011)
Sarah Kerr “Relieving the US-Mexican Border: Examining the Pressures and Possibilities Surrounding the World’s Foremost Hyper Border” (2010-2011)
Genevieve Theodorakis “International Sources of Chinese and Indian Economic Development” (2009-2010)
Alexandra Swann “Challenges Facing Cooperation on Climate Change” (2008-2009)
Brent Fairbairn “China’s Search for Resources and Its Impact on Africa” (2008-2009)
Alexandra Mandrich “Evolution of the International Financial Architecture” (2007-2008)
Lindsay Tam “Globalization and the Politics of Identity” (2007-2008)
Kelsey Skromeda “The Rise and Ramifications of the New Left in Latin America” (2007-2008)
Tamara Ramusevic “Sustaining Liberal Trade Policies in Poland and Hungary: Did Institutions Matter?” (2007-2008)
Robert Yelavitch “China’s Rise: A Path to International Economic Conflict” (2007-2008)
Olga Blyumin “Russia’s Political Economy” (2006-2007)
Michelle Segal “South African Trade Policy” (2006-2007)
Michael Shortt “A Contribution to the Study of Coercive International Relations” (2006-2007)
Emilie Beauchamp “Ethnic Mobilization and Conflict: An Overview” (2006-2007)
Sandrine Boisson “Microfinance in Haiti: the Need for Proper Government Involvement towards Development Objectives” (2006-2007)
Zeynep Colpan “Turkish Women and EU Accession” (2006-2007)
Ayako Komine “Russia’ Foreign Economic Policies” (2006-2007)
Christina Strong “Microfinance in Africa” (2005-2006)
Arnav Manchanda “Issues Surrounding the U.S. Occupation of Iraq” (2004-2005)
Daphne Ferguson “Democratic Participation in NAFTA Panels” (2004-2005)
Andrew Bauer “Conditions and the Success of Development Aid” (2004-2005)
Jennifer Famery “Relations between Europe and the U.S.” (2003-2004)
David Steinberg “The Political Economy of Trade Legislation” (2002-2003)
Cesi Cruz “Cooperation and Coordination in International Finance” (2002-2003)
Clara Peron “Afterglow and the demand for International Leadership” (2001-2002)
Daniel Poon
Shahrzad Sabet “The Politics of Trade and Factor Flows” (2001-2002)
Nick Stephanopolous “America’s Multilateral Interventions Since 1990” (2000-2001)
Karim Marcos “FDI and Turkey’s Admission to the EU” (1999-2000)
Donna Aronson “China and Future Hegemonic Rivalry” (1998-1999)
Vahid Fotuhi “China and the Asian Balance of Power” (1998-1999)
Liz Gomery “Russia and the G7 Summits” (1997-1998)
Matthew Young “Dependency and Development in Taiwan” (1997-1998)
Andrew MacDonald “NGOs’ Responses to a Changing Budgetary Environment” (1995-1996)
Julie Dermine “Debt Cycles” (1995-1996)
Jillian Zelmanovits “Sources for European Integration” (1994-1995)
Diana Metzen “Regional Trade Blocs” (1994-1995)
Sadéka Hédaraly “Regional Trade Blocs” (1994-1995)
Andrew MacDonald “The Advantages of NGOs over GOs” (1994-1995)
Mark Luz “Sovereignty as a Flexible Concept” (1994-1995)
Ross Deboni “Central Banks’ Role in Foreign Monetary Policy of Developing Countries” (1994-1995)
Heidi Rubin “Long Cycles” (1993-1994)
Alexia Garamfalvi “Ideology and Economic Nationalism in Hungary: 1848 -Present” (1993-1994)
Melanie Devoe “Policies of the IMF and IBRD” (1993-1994)
Paula Jeanbart “Europe’s Role in the GATT” (1992-1993)
Tamis Oshiro “Current Issues in the Politics of Trade” (1992-1993)
Anthony O’Sullivan “The Uruguay Round Negotiations” (1992-1993)
Vandana Patel “Crises with German Unification” (1992-1993)
Barry Levitt “Sustainable Development” (1992-1993)
Vivian Wecselman “East Asian NICs and the Sources of Development” (1992-1993)
Barbara Kotschwar “Lessons from the creation of the Fed for EMU” (1992-1993)
Dan Ilany “Hegemonic Stability and the Future of Regimes” (1992-1993)
Anna DiSessa “The Yen as a New Key Currency” (1992-1993)
Paulo Biljezekian “Issues in International Banking” (1992-1993)
Barbara Petterson “East Asia, the USSR and the Sequence of Development” (1991-1992)
Elaine Rosenberg “Problems with Hegemonic Stability Theory” (1991-1992)
Bettina Buss “Problems with Hegemonic Stability Theory” (1991-1992)
Mauro Cecshin “Current Issues in Trade” (1991-1992)
Stephen Salewicz “Policy Lesson from the Experience of the East Asian NICs” (1991-1992)
Sean Kozey “Regulating MNCs for Environmental Purposes” (1991-1992)
Christian Dinwoodie “Improving Success Rates in the Use of Economic Sanctions” (1991-1992)
Lindsay Wallace “The Rise of Eurocurrency and the Regulation of International Banking” (1991-1992)
David Nyheim “European Integration and Security Issues” (1991-1992)
Perry Douglas “East Asian NICs and Africa: Rent-Seeking Factors” (1991-1992)
Christian Dinwoodie “Economic Sanctions in Practice” (1991-1992)
Peter Waisberg “Reciprocity as a Principle in Trade” (1991-1992)
Jessica Rouleau “East Asian NICs as Examples for African Development” (1990-1991)
Internships (since 2004-05)
Taylor Douglas (2020-2021)
Leina Gabra (2020-2021)
Sofia Tryfonopoulou (2019-2020)
Zoe Shing (2019-2020)
Shirley-Shuwen Wang (2019-2020)
Mikael Makarewicz (2019-2020)
Victoria Flaherty (2019-2020)
Artemis Archimandriti (2018-2019)
Kate Whitmore (2018-2019)
Lily Payton (2018-2019)
Christopher Ciafro (2016-2017)
Eric Krol (2016-2017)
Lauren Roy (2015-2016)
Kamila Maclean (2015-2016)
Clement Juhlia (2015-2016)
Ipek Ertan (2015-2016)
Katie Abbott (2013-2014)
Mathieu Taschereau (2013-2014)
Antoine Got (2013-2014)
Daniel Stysis (2013-2014)
Alexander Gardinier (2012-2013)
William Debost (2012-2013)
Daniel Novick (2012-2013)
Noteh Krauss (2012-2013)
Doron Lurie (2012-2013)
Antoine Tardif (2012-2013)
Alexandra Prieur (2011-2012)
Devon LaBuik (2011-2012)
Alexis Schreier (2011-2012)
Natasha Bach (2011-2012)
Elena Ponte (2010-2011)
Vincent Di Sciullo (2010-2011)
Marie Leaf (2010-2011)
Anguelita Koleva (2009-2010)
Monica Narula (2008-2009)
Mariana Perez-Levesque (2008-2009)
Tatiana Neviginsky (2008-2009)
Aleah Loney (2008-2009)
Danielle Monaco (2007-2008)
Emilie Jessula (2007-2008)
Elizabeth Caldwell (2007-2008)
Allison Scully (2007-2008)
Ran Yang (2007-2008)
Aslihan Tuncer (2006-2007)
Julie Needler (2004-2005)